3. Séria
1. Séria | 2. Séria | 3. Séria |
4. Séria |

1. They're Back Again, Aren't They? (S03E01)
2. The One with the Baby Carrot (S03E02)
3. Mr. and Mrs. Mazikeen Smith (S03E03)
4. What Would Lucifer Do? (S03E04)
5. Welcome Back, Charlotte Richards (S03E05)
6. Vegas With Some Radish (S03E06)
7. Off the Record (S03E07)
8. Chloe Does Lucifer (S03E08)
9. The Sinnerman (S03E09)
10. The Sin Bin (S03E10)
11. City of Angels? (S03E11)
12. All About Her (S03E12)
13. Til Death Do Us Part (S03E13)
14. My Brother's Keeper (S03E14)
15. High School Poppycock (S03E15)
16. Infernal Guinea Pig (S03E16)
17. Let Pinhead Sing! (S03E17)
18. The Last Heartbreak (S03E18)
19. Orange Is the New Maze (S03E19)
20. The Angel of San Bernardino (S03E20)
21. Anything Pierce Can Do I Can Do Better (S03E21)
22. All Hands on Decker (S03E22)
23. Quintessential Deckerstar (S03E23)
24. A Devil of My World (S03E24)
25. Boo Normal (S03E25)
26. Once Upon a Time (S03E26)